Heat Siphon Pool Plumbing

Heat Siphon's exclusive full flow titanium heat exchanger requires no special plumbing arrangements or bypass.The water pressure drop is less than 1 1/2 psi at 80 GPM.
Since there is no residual heat or flame temperatures, Heat Siphon does not need copper heat sink piping. PVC pipe can be run straight into the unit.
Heat Siphon's Heat Exchanger is ALL PVC and allows you to connect to EITHER 1.5 or 2 inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe pool or spa filtration piping.
Both inlet and outlet water connections have a 1.5 inch Inside Diameter for slip (glue) fitting to 1.5 inch pipe and 2 inch male pipe threads on the Outside Diameter to allow connection to 2 inch sch 40 pipe by using a 2" schedule 40 female adapter sleeve or coupler. Both maintain the pipe inside opening all the way into the heat exchanger to eliminate any pressure drop.
Give serious consideration to adding quick coupler fittings at the unit inlet and outlet to allow easy draining of unit for winterizing and to provide easier access should servicing be required.
Do not install any Heat Siphon in the same pump or plumbing loop as any IN FLOOR CLEANING SYSTEMS. Doing so will void your warranty. Water hammer damage has know to occur when plumbed in the same loop. Especially with a larger pump and 2 inch or larger pipng.
Use a separate pump and plumbing loop for all in floor cleaning systems - they should be independent of the heating piping.
Multiple Unit Plumbing
The only thing different about installing ONE Heat Siphon vs. MANY Heat Siphons on ONE POOL is PLUMBING. Each Heat Siphon still requires its own dedicated circuit breaker and all of the rules about location and bonding and wiring one Heat Siphon applies to ALL.
There are just four rules for plumbing multiple Heat Siphons:
- MAKE SURE EACH HEAT SIPHON GETS at least 30 up to 80 GPM of water flow.
- PLUMB THEM IN PARALLEL - Don't connect the outlet of any Heat Siphon to the inlet of any Heat Siphon.
- MAKE EACH CIRCUIT the same length of water travel. This will naturally help balance the flow rate to each unit.
- Where possible put a set of shutoff valves and a flow meter at each unit to facilitate service without shutting down the system as well as comfirming /balancing the flow rate to each Heat Siphon.
Following these rules is simple for TWO unit systems but becomes somewhat more complex as the number of units grows. It is still easy if you remember to BALANCE EACH CIRCUIT. That is make the distance the water travels the same for every Heat Siphon from the branch off pipe header back to the collection pipe header
For example, one of the larger multiple unit installations which is now over ten years old is a community pool in Cranberry Township , PA which has twelve Heat Siphons. The water line supply and return headers are 6" diameter schedule 40 PVC and this branches down to three 4" diameter feeders that supply each of three banks of four Heat Siphons. Each single Heat Siphon inlet and outlet uses 1.5" diameter PVC pipe. The return trip is the same in reverse.